Contact us

Whether you're on a quest for the luxury piece of your dreams, have a lingering question, or simply wish to reach out, contact us through our form. We’ll respond with the care and attention you deserve, making every step as effortless and enchanting as the treasures you seek.

Phone: +358 (0) 50 501 2428

Click here to send us a message WhatsApp

Opening Hours

Mon–Fri: 11:00–19:00

Sat: 12:00–17:00

Exceptions to Opening Hours

06.12 12:00-17:00 - Independence Day

24-26.12 Closed - Christmas

31.12 11:00-16:00 - New Year's Eve

01.01 Closed - New Year's Day

06.01 Closed - Epiphany

Rikhardinkatu 2
00130 Helsinki, Finland

Step into the world of elegance at our showroom and discover the latest treasures in our collection. The doors to our showroom are open during the hours listed above, with no appointment needed.

For a more personalised visit, feel free to reserve a time that suits your schedule, and allow us to guide you through an exclusive experience tailored to your desires.

Contact Form